take this 5 part google test

  1. Google your business name and see what turns up, what page, and why! If there is a link are you happy, where it goes? Can a potential customer make a “let me know more decision” in 5 seconds or less?
  2. Next, Google your primary product or service and the state in which you operate. What happens? Can you achieve YOUR info in less than 5 seconds! Can you make a decision from that info?
  3. Next, simply Google this ” Info on (product/service) in (state)? Is your business staring at you? Does a link take you to a landing page on the product or service NOT a homepage.
  4. Next Google your product or services and the state or county you are in.
  5. Next simply Google your business name.

This is a simple but effective test,
you may want to try the same for your closest competitors!

are you happy with your results? if not we can help, contact us today

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