why the sales process has changed. . . have you?

Having sold for more years than I would care to mention and having watched the transition of the B2B sales process, I can now admit golf, cigars, and the 2 martini lunch are dead! B2B Buyers are increasingly using resources other than a salesperson to get their information about your products. First, consider how you and your company gather materials on competitors. I bet you first look at their website to garner facts and useful tools to counteract their messaging throughout your channel.  Consider these stats:

  • 91% of the Buyers’ Journey is now done digitally (Source: SiriusDecisions)
  • 97% of B2B Buyers say online content has a major to moderate effect on their purchasing decisions (Source: CMO Council)
  • 84% of CEOs/VPs use social media to make purchasing decisions (Source: IDC)

The new online and fully connected buyer means your sales team must consider and cater to a  customer who probably knows more about your product (or competitors) than they ever have before.. They’ve done their ONLINE Google homework, their problem and possible solutions – and of course, your competitors. When they finally contact a salesperson, they’re ready to talk more than the solution; they want to do deliverables – price, and availability. Oh yeah, sometimes they may have a few questions. But remember that product sheet you put on your website they saw it, and yes your competitors.


The focus of your sales process must change from the product or service to your UVP (unique value proposition) – you, your company, and the product provide. The sale is more about you (company).

All successful sales teams must keep their customer front and center. This shift to the online Google-connected buyer means organizations must ensure that their sales teams and their entire company are ready to respond to today’s informed buyer. Remember, your UVP is about selling your brand and what it represents to the buyer.