INsights:Your Buyer is Changing, Are You? by Bill Simmel
why the sales process has changed. . . have you? Having sold for more years than I would care to mention and having watched the transition of the B2B sales process, I can now admit golf, cigars, and the 2 martini lunch are dead! B2B Buyers are increasingly using resources other than a salesperson to get their information about your products. First, consider how you and your company gather materials on competitors. I bet you first look at their website to garner facts and useful tools to counteract their messaging throughout your channel. Consider these stats: 91% of the Buyers’ Journey is now done digitally (Source: SiriusDecisions) 97% of B2B Buyers say online content has a major to moderate effect on their purchasing decisions (Source: CMO Council) 84% of CEOs/VPs use social media to make purchasing decisions (Source: IDC) The new online and fully connected buyer means [...]