INsights:Your Buyer is Changing, Are You? by Bill Simmel

why the sales process has changed. . . have you? Having sold for more years than I would care to mention and having watched the transition of the B2B sales process, I can now admit golf, cigars, and the 2 martini lunch are dead! B2B Buyers are increasingly using resources other than a salesperson to get their information about your products. First, consider how you and your company gather materials on competitors. I bet you first look at their website to garner facts and useful tools to counteract their messaging throughout your channel.  Consider these stats: 91% of the Buyers’ Journey is now done digitally (Source: SiriusDecisions) 97% of B2B Buyers say online content has a major to moderate effect on their purchasing decisions (Source: CMO Council) 84% of CEOs/VPs use social media to make purchasing decisions (Source: IDC) The new online and fully connected buyer means [...]

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INsights: What the Hell do “THEY” Know? by Bill Simmel

as an entrepreneur, pronouns make a difference. . . Many times the people closest to YOU are more concerned with keeping the status quo, and not watching YOU go out and “slay dragons while conquering the world.” And you can bet, each time YOUR “going” gets a little rough or YOU hit a speed bump, YOU of all people start thinking, “I guess THEY were right, THEY told ME it would never work”!  Well, I am here to tell YOU, unless THEIR name is Einstein or Google, tell THEM to “shut up.” […]

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INsights: Productivity Tips to Start Your Day by Bill Simmel

start your day with these EZ productivity tips. . . Your inbox is full, your voice mail box is filling fast, you need to be in 2 places at the same time and your To Do List is turning into “Not Dones”. Unfortunately, for too many executives, entrepreneurs and small business owners this is a “typical day”. You’re currently working 80 hours a week and you feel like each day you are running in mud! While many of these issues are a factor of organization, consider these morning productivity tips to start your day that will make you more effective. […]

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