INsights: Lottery Marketing, Click Jackpots “Dream On” by Bill Simmel

we’re back baby, look at those clicks. . . You may be dreaming if you believe all those clicks mean you hit the marketing lottery jackpot! Wake up, shake out those cob webs, rub those sleepy eyes and get real. Take a look at this video and get a grasp on clicks and how they may not be what you think. […]

2020-10-29T09:34:15-04:00Comments Off on INsights: Lottery Marketing, Click Jackpots “Dream On” by Bill Simmel

INsight: Marketing in a 396 World by Bill Simmel

if you’re not educating your targeted prospects, then who is? In today’s world  people are online  396 (24+7+365), many view traditional marketing as an interruption.They are looking for information on products, services, solutions, and improvements in their lives and businesses. This may be brand driven, product driven or simply answering their question “how can I improve this xxxxxx, way of doing things.” Now, this hard fact may be tough to swallow, most customers could care less about you or your business! They are only concerned about one thing. . . […]

2020-11-21T11:49:48-05:00Comments Off on INsight: Marketing in a 396 World by Bill Simmel
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